Model Specification

Each model function supports promises, Node-style callbacks, ES6 generators and async/await (using Babel). Note that promise support implies support for returning plain values where asynchronism is not required.

const model = {
  // We support returning promises.
  getAccessToken: function() {
    return new Promise('works!');

  // Or, calling a Node-style callback.
  getAuthorizationCode: function(done) {
    done(null, 'works!');

  // Or, using generators.
  getClient: function*() {
    yield somethingAsync();
    return 'works!';

  // Or, async/wait (using Babel).
  getUser: async function() {
    await somethingAsync();
    return 'works!';

const OAuth2Server = require('oauth2-server');
let oauth = new OAuth2Server({model: model});

Code examples on this page use promises.

generateAccessToken(client, user, scope, [callback])

Invoked to generate a new access token.

This model function is optional. If not implemented, a default handler is used that generates access tokens consisting of 40 characters in the range of a..z0..9.

Invoked during:

  • authorization_code grant
  • client_credentials grant
  • refresh_token grant
  • password grant


Name Type Description
client Object The client the access token is generated for.
user Object The user the access token is generated for.
scope String The scopes associated with the access token. Can be null.
[callback] Function Node-style callback to be used instead of the returned Promise.

Return value:

A String to be used as access token.

RFC 6749 Appendix A.12 specifies that access tokens must consist of characters inside the range 0x20..0x7E (i.e. only printable US-ASCII characters).


client is the object previously obtained through Model#getClient().

user is the user object previously obtained through Model#getAuthorizationCode() (code.user; authorization code grant), Model#getUserFromClient() (client credentials grant), Model#getRefreshToken() (token.user; refresh token grant) or Model#getUser() (password grant).

generateRefreshToken(client, user, scope, [callback])

Invoked to generate a new refresh token.

This model function is optional. If not implemented, a default handler is used that generates refresh tokens consisting of 40 characters in the range of a..z0..9.

Invoked during:

  • authorization_code grant
  • refresh_token grant
  • password grant


Name Type Description
client Object The client the refresh token is generated for.
user Object The user the refresh token is generated for.
scope String The scopes associated with the refresh token. Can be null.
[callback] Function Node-style callback to be used instead of the returned Promise.

Return value:

A String to be used as refresh token.

RFC 6749 Appendix A.17 specifies that refresh tokens must consist of characters inside the range 0x20..0x7E (i.e. only printable US-ASCII characters).


client is the object previously obtained through Model#getClient().

user is the user object previously obtained through Model#getAuthorizationCode() (code.user; authorization code grant), Model#getRefreshToken() (token.user; refresh token grant) or Model#getUser() (password grant).

generateAuthorizationCode(client, user, scope, [callback])

Invoked to generate a new authorization code.

This model function is optional. If not implemented, a default handler is used that generates authorization codes consisting of 40 characters in the range of a..z0..9.

Invoked during:

  • authorization_code grant


Name Type Description
client Object The client the authorization code is generated for.
user Object The user the authorization code is generated for.
scope String The scopes associated with the authorization code. Can be null.
[callback] Function Node-style callback to be used instead of the returned Promise.

Return value:

A String to be used as authorization code.

RFC 6749 Appendix A.11 specifies that authorization codes must consist of characters inside the range 0x20..0x7E (i.e. only printable US-ASCII characters).

getAccessToken(accessToken, [callback])

Invoked to retrieve an existing access token previously saved through Model#saveToken().

This model function is required if OAuth2Server#authenticate() is used.

Invoked during:

  • request authentication


Name Type Description
accessToken String The access token to retrieve.
[callback] Function Node-style callback to be used instead of the returned Promise.

Return value:

An Object representing the access token and associated data.

Name Type Description
token Object The return value.
token.accessToken String The access token passed to getAccessToken().
token.accessTokenExpiresAt Date The expiry time of the access token.
[token.scope] String The authorized scope of the access token.
token.client Object The client associated with the access token. String A unique string identifying the client.
token.user Object The user associated with the access token.

token.client and token.user can carry additional properties that will be ignored by oauth2-server.


function getAccessToken(accessToken) {
  // imaginary DB queries
  db.queryAccessToken({access_token: accessToken})
    .then(function(token) {
      return Promise.all([
        db.queryClient({id: token.client_id}),
        db.queryUser({id: token.user_id})
    .spread(function(token, client, user) {
      return {
        accessToken: token.access_token,
        accessTokenExpiresAt: token.expires_at,
        scope: token.scope,
        client: client, // with 'id' property
        user: user

getRefreshToken(refreshToken, [callback])

Invoked to retrieve an existing refresh token previously saved through Model#saveToken().

This model function is required if the refresh_token grant is used.

Invoked during:

  • refresh_token grant


Name Type Description
refreshToken String The access token to retrieve.
[callback] Function Node-style callback to be used instead of the returned Promise.

Return value:

An Object representing the refresh token and associated data.

Name Type Description
token Object The return value.
token.refreshToken String The refresh token passed to getRefreshToken().
[token.refreshTokenExpiresAt] Date The expiry time of the refresh token.
[token.scope] String The authorized scope of the refresh token.
token.client Object The client associated with the refresh token. String A unique string identifying the client.
token.user Object The user associated with the refresh token.

token.client and token.user can carry additional properties that will be ignored by oauth2-server.


function getRefreshToken(refreshToken) {
  // imaginary DB queries
  db.queryRefreshToken({refresh_token: refreshToken})
    .then(function(token) {
      return Promise.all([
        db.queryClient({id: token.client_id}),
        db.queryUser({id: token.user_id})
    .spread(function(token, client, user) {
      return {
        refreshToken: token.refresh_token,
        refreshTokenExpiresAt: token.expires_at,
        scope: token.scope,
        client: client, // with 'id' property
        user: user

getAuthorizationCode(authorizationCode, [callback])

Invoked to retrieve an existing authorization code previously saved through Model#saveAuthorizationCode().

This model function is required if the authorization_code grant is used.

Invoked during:

  • authorization_code grant


Name Type Description
authorizationCode String The authorization code to retrieve.
[callback] Function Node-style callback to be used instead of the returned Promise.

Return value:

An Object representing the authorization code and associated data.

Name Type Description
code Object The return value.
code.code String The authorization code passed to getAuthorizationCode().
code.expiresAt Date The expiry time of the authorization code.
[code.redirectUri] String The redirect URI of the authorization code.
[code.scope] String The authorized scope of the authorization code.
code.client Object The client associated with the authorization code. String A unique string identifying the client.
code.user Object The user associated with the authorization code.

code.client and code.user can carry additional properties that will be ignored by oauth2-server.


function getAuthorizationCode(authorizationCode) {
  // imaginary DB queries
  db.queryAuthorizationCode({authorization_code: authorizationCode})
    .then(function(code) {
      return Promise.all([
        db.queryClient({id: code.client_id}),
        db.queryUser({id: code.user_id})
    .spread(function(code, client, user) {
      return {
        code: code.authorization_code,
        expiresAt: code.expires_at,
        redirectUri: code.redirect_uri,
        scope: code.scope,
        client: client, // with 'id' property
        user: user

getClient(clientId, clientSecret, [callback])

Invoked to retrieve a client using a client id or a client id/client secret combination, depending on the grant type.

This model function is required for all grant types.

Invoked during:

  • authorization_code grant
  • client_credentials grant
  • refresh_token grant
  • password grant


Name Type Description
clientId String The client id of the client to retrieve.
clientSecret String The client secret of the client to retrieve. Can be null.
[callback] Function Node-style callback to be used instead of the returned Promise.

Return value:

An Object representing the client and associated data, or a falsy value if no such client could be found.

Name Type Description
client Object The return value. String A unique string identifying the client.
[client.redirectUris] Array<String> Redirect URIs allowed for the client. Required for the authorization_code grant.
client.grants Array<String> Grant types allowed for the client.
[client.accessTokenLifetime] Number Client-specific lifetime of generated access tokens in seconds.
[client.refreshTokenLifetime] Number Client-specific lifetime of generated refresh tokens in seconds.

The return value (client) can carry additional properties that will be ignored by oauth2-server.


function getClient(clientId, clientSecret) {
  // imaginary DB query
  let params = {client_id: clientId};
  if (clientSecret) {
    params.client_secret = clientSecret;
    .then(function(client) {
      return {
        redirectUris: client.redirect_uris,
        grants: client.grants

getUser(username, password, [callback])

Invoked to retrieve a user using a username/password combination.

This model function is required if the password grant is used.

Invoked during:

  • password grant


Name Type Description
username String The username of the user to retrieve.
password String The user’s password.
[callback] Function Node-style callback to be used instead of the returned Promise.

Return value:

An Object representing the user, or a falsy value if no such user could be found. The user object is completely transparent to oauth2-server and is simply used as input to other model functions.


function getUser(username, password) {
  // imaginary DB query
  return db.queryUser({username: username, password: password});

getUserFromClient(client, [callback])

Invoked to retrieve the user associated with the specified client.

This model function is required if the client_credentials grant is used.

Invoked during:

  • client_credentials grant


Name Type Description
client Object The client to retrieve the associated user for. String A unique string identifying the client.
[callback] Function Node-style callback to be used instead of the returned Promise.

Return value:

An Object representing the user, or a falsy value if the client does not have an associated user. The user object is completely transparent to oauth2-server and is simply used as input to other model functions.


client is the object previously obtained through Model#getClient().

function getUserFromClient(client) {
  // imaginary DB query
  return db.queryUser({id: client.user_id});

saveToken(token, client, user, [callback])

Invoked to save an access token and optionally a refresh token, depending on the grant type.

This model function is required for all grant types.

Invoked during:

  • authorization_code grant
  • client_credentials grant
  • refresh_token grant
  • password grant


Name Type Description
token Object The token(s) to be saved.
token.accessToken String The access token to be saved.
token.accessTokenExpiresAt Date The expiry time of the access token.
[token.refreshToken] String The refresh token to be saved.
[token.refreshTokenExpiresAt] Date The expiry time of the refresh token.
[token.scope] String The authorized scope of the token(s).
client Object The client associated with the token(s).
user Object The user associated with the token(s).
[callback] Function Node-style callback to be used instead of the returned Promise.

Return value:

An Object representing the token(s) and associated data.

Name Type Description
token Object The return value.
token.accessToken String The access token passed to saveToken().
token.accessTokenExpiresAt Date The expiry time of the access token.
token.refreshToken String The refresh token passed to saveToken().
token.refreshTokenExpiresAt Date The expiry time of the refresh token.
[token.scope] String The authorized scope of the access token.
token.client Object The client associated with the access token. String A unique string identifying the client.
token.user Object The user associated with the access token.

token.client and token.user can carry additional properties that will be ignored by oauth2-server.

If the allowExtendedTokenAttributes server option is enabled (see OAuth2Server#token()) any additional attributes set on the result are copied to the token response sent to the client.


function saveToken(token, client, user) {
  // imaginary DB queries
  let fns = [
      access_token: token.accessToken,
      expires_at: token.accessTokenExpiresAt,
      scope: token.scope,
      refresh_token: token.refreshToken,
      expires_at: token.refreshTokenExpiresAt,
      scope: token.scope,
  return Promise.all(fns);
    .spread(function(accessToken, refreshToken) {
      return {
        accessToken: accessToken.access_token,
        accessTokenExpiresAt: accessToken.expires_at,
        refreshToken: refreshToken.refresh_token,
        refreshTokenExpiresAt: refreshToken.expires_at,
        scope: accessToken.scope,
        client: {id: accessToken.client_id},
        user: {id: accessToken.user_id}

saveAuthorizationCode(code, client, user, [callback])

Invoked to save an authorization code.

This model function is required if the authorization_code grant is used.

Invoked during:

  • authorization_code grant


Name Type Description
code Object The code to be saved.
code.authorizationCode String The authorization code to be saved.
code.expiresAt Date The expiry time of the authorization code.
code.redirectUri String The redirect URI associated with the authorization code.
[code.scope] String The authorized scope of the authorization code.
client Object The client associated with the authorization code.
user Object The user associated with the authorization code.
[callback] Function Node-style callback to be used instead of the returned Promise.


Is code.scope really optional?

Return value:

An Object representing the authorization code and associated data.

Name Type Description
code Object The return value.
code.authorizationCode String The authorization code passed to saveAuthorizationCode().
code.expiresAt Date The expiry time of the authorization code.
code.redirectUri String The redirect URI associated with the authorization code.
[code.scope] String The authorized scope of the authorization code.
code.client Object The client associated with the authorization code. String A unique string identifying the client.
code.user Object The user associated with the authorization code.

code.client and code.user can carry additional properties that will be ignored by oauth2-server.


function saveAuthorizationCode(code, client, user) {
  // imaginary DB queries
  let authCode = {
    authorization_code: code.authorizationCode,
    expires_at: code.expiresAt,
    redirect_uri: code.redirectUri,
    scope: code.scope,
  return db.saveAuthorizationCode(authCode)
    .then(function(authorizationCode) {
      return {
        authorizationCode: authorizationCode.authorization_code,
        expiresAt: authorizationCode.expires_at,
        redirectUri: authorizationCode.redirect_uri,
        scope: authorizationCode.scope,
        client: {id: authorizationCode.client_id},
        user: {id: authorizationCode.user_id}

revokeToken(token, [callback])

Invoked to revoke a refresh token.

This model function is required if the refresh_token grant is used.

Invoked during:

  • refresh_token grant


Name Type Description
token Object The token to be revoked.
token.refreshToken String The refresh token.
[token.refreshTokenExpiresAt] Date The expiry time of the refresh token.
[token.scope] String The authorized scope of the refresh token.
token.client Object The client associated with the refresh token. String A unique string identifying the client.
token.user Object The user associated with the refresh token.
[callback] Function Node-style callback to be used instead of the returned Promise.

Return value:

Return true if the revocation was successful or false if the refresh token could not be found.


token is the refresh token object previously obtained through Model#getRefreshToken().

function revokeToken(token) {
  // imaginary DB queries
  return db.deleteRefreshToken({refresh_token: token.refreshToken})
    .then(function(refreshToken) {
      return !!refreshToken;

revokeAuthorizationCode(code, [callback])

Invoked to revoke an authorization code.

This model function is required if the authorization_code grant is used.

Invoked during:

  • authorization_code grant


Name Type Description
code Object The return value.
code.code String The authorization code.
code.expiresAt Date The expiry time of the authorization code.
[code.redirectUri] String The redirect URI of the authorization code.
[code.scope] String The authorized scope of the authorization code.
code.client Object The client associated with the authorization code. String A unique string identifying the client.
code.user Object The user associated with the authorization code.
[callback] Function Node-style callback to be used instead of the returned Promise.

Return value:

Return true if the revocation was successful or false if the authorization code could not be found.


code is the authorization code object previously obtained through Model#getAuthorizationCode().

function revokeAuthorizationCode(code) {
  // imaginary DB queries
  return db.deleteAuthorizationCode({authorization_code: code.authorizationCode})
    .then(function(authorizationCode) {
      return !!authorizationCode;

validateScope(user, client, scope, [callback])

Invoked to check if the requested scope is valid for a particular client/user combination.

This model function is optional. If not implemented, any scope is accepted.

Invoked during:

  • authorization_code grant
  • client_credentials grant
  • password grant


Name Type Description
user Object The associated user.
client Object The associated client. Object A unique string identifying the client.
scope String The scopes to validate.
[callback] Function Node-style callback to be used instead of the returned Promise.

Return value:

Validated scopes to be used or a falsy value to reject the requested scopes.


user is the user object previously obtained through Model#getAuthorizationCode() (code.user; authorization code grant), Model#getUserFromClient() (client credentials grant) or Model#getUser() (password grant).

client is the object previously obtained through Model#getClient (all grants).

You can decide yourself whether you want to reject or accept partially valid scopes by simply filtering out invalid scopes and returning only the valid ones.

To reject invalid or only partially valid scopes:

// list of valid scopes
const VALID_SCOPES = ['read', 'write'];

function validateScope(user, client, scope) {
  if (!scope.split(' ').every(s => VALID_SCOPES.indexOf(s) >= 0)) {
    return false;
  return scope;

To accept partially valid scopes:

// list of valid scopes
const VALID_SCOPES = ['read', 'write'];

function validateScope(user, client, scope) {
  return scope
    .split(' ')
    .filter(s => VALID_SCOPES.indexOf(s) >= 0)
    .join(' ');

Note that the example above will still reject completely invalid scopes, since validateScope returns an empty string if all scopes are filtered out.

verifyScope(accessToken, scope, [callback])

Invoked during request authentication to check if the provided access token was authorized the requested scopes.

This model function is required if scopes are used with OAuth2Server#authenticate().

Invoked during:

  • request authentication


Name Type Description
token Object The access token to test against
token.accessToken String The access token.
[token.accessTokenExpiresAt] Date The expiry time of the access token.
[token.scope] String The authorized scope of the access token.
token.client Object The client associated with the access token. String A unique string identifying the client.
token.user Object The user associated with the access token.
scope String The required scopes.
[callback] Function Node-style callback to be used instead of the returned Promise.

Return value:

Returns true if the access token passes, false otherwise.


token is the access token object previously obtained through Model#getAccessToken().

scope is the required scope as given to OAuth2Server#authenticate() as options.scope.

function verifyScope(token, scope) {
  if (!token.scope) {
    return false;
  let requestedScopes = scope.split(' ');
  let authorizedScopes = token.scope.split(' ');
  return requestedScopes.every(s => authorizedScopes.indexOf(s) >= 0);