
Base class for all errors returned by this module.

const OAuthError = require('oauth2-server/lib/errors/oauth-error');

new OAuthError(message, properties)

Instantiates OAuthError.


Do not use OAuthError directly; it’s intended to be used as a base class. Instead, use one of the other error types derived from it.


Name Type Description
[message=undefined] String|Error Error message or nested exception.
[properties={}] Object Additional properties to be set on the error object.
[properties.code=500] Object An HTTP status code associated with the error.
[properties.name=undefined] String The name of the error. If left undefined, the name is copied from the constructor.

Return value:

A new instance of OAuthError.


By default code is set to 500 and message is set to the respective HTTP phrase.

const err = new OAuthError();
// err.message === 'Internal Server Error'
// err.code === 500
// err.name === 'OAuthError'
const err = new OAuthError('test', {name: 'test_error'});
// err.message === 'test'
// err.code === 500
// err.name === 'test_error'
const err = new OAuthError(undefined, {code: 404});
// err.message === 'Not Found'
// err.code === 404
// err.name === 'OAuthError'

All additional properties are copied to the error object.

const err = new OAuthError('test', {foo: 'bar', baz: 1234});
// err.message === 'test'
// err.code === 500
// err.name === 'OAuthError'
// err.foo === 'bar'
// err.baz === 1234

When wrapping an exception, the message property is automatically copied from the existing exception.

const anotherError = new Error('test');
const err = new OAuthError(e);
// err.message === 'test'
// err.code === 500
// err.name === 'OAuthError'
// err.inner === anotherError


A message describing the error.


An HTTP status code associated with the error.

For compatibility reasons, two more properties exist that have the same value as code: status and statusCode. Note that changes to one of these are not reflected by the other properties.


Another exception that was wrapped by this OAuthError instance. This property is set only if the error is constructed from an existing exception.


The name of the error, intended to be used as the error parameter as described by RFC 6749 in Section, Section and Section 5.2, as well as Section 3.1 of RFC 6750.